Can Tattoos Really Cause An Eye Condition That Leads To Blindness?

WHAT EYE CONDITION DO PEOPLE WITH TATTOO HAVE Whoever thought that tattoos could possibly have any negative impact on the eye? But, according to a research from the John Hopkins School Of Medicine, such a thing is not only possible, the link is fast being established...

Stop Pink Eye From Spreading in a Classroom

FACTS ABOUT PINK EYE (CONJUNCTIVITIS) If you are a parent or a teacher, you are well aware of the scrouge of Pink Eye Conjunctivitis in a classroom. Once a child gets it, others go down like dominoes with the infection. This contagion of inflamed eyes is an...

9 Ways Your Smoking Habit is Also Injurious To Your Eyes

SMOKING HABITS THAT CAN HARM YOUR EYES Lungs and heart are not the only essential organs that get compromised by the habit of smoking. With many years of smoking, vision also begins to degenerate, but because blindness isn’t life-threatening, this worrisome fact is...

Pop The Cork, Not The Eye: How To Safely Open a Bottle of Champagne

HOW TO PROPERLY OPEN A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE It’s something you’d expect Tom to do in a Tom And Jerry cartoon. Ask 900,000 Britishers, however, and they will tell you that getting punched in the eye by a champagne cork is no funny matter. They should know because 12% of...

7 Things You Can do To Improve Vision During Night Driving

HOW TO IMPROVE VISION DURING NIGHT DRIVING Prepare For Night Driving With Less UV Exposure During The Day • During daylight hours, wear sunglasses to cut down on your exposure to UV rays. This will significantly improve your ability to see better in the dark, later at...

Why LASIK Surgery is Fast Becoming a Trend with Millennials

LASIK SURGERY FOR MILLENNIALS Millennials (age group 18-34) typically don’t have time to worry about medical care. Unless there’s a pressing emergency that needs immediate attention, they are unlikely to go for a medical consultation that could positively impact their...

8 Million Americans Have Ocular Rosacea. What it Means!?

WHAT TO DO WITH OCULAR ROSACEA Rosacea is chronic skin disorder that is so easy to spot, we all know what it is. Typically beginning after the age of 30, Rosacea causes a flaming redness to appear on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead. Sometimes, the ruddiness even...

11 Inspirational Quotes To Start Off The New Year

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FROM KING LASIK “It’s not what you look at that matters in life. It is what you see.” “When things get blurry, be like a cameraman. Simply re-adjust your focus.” “Always remember Cupcakes. They are the Muffins...