5 Questions to Ask About LASIKIf you have been diagnosed with nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism, you most likely wear prescription glasses or contact lenses to see clearly at certain distances. If so, you might be considering undergoing LASIK surgery.

But how do you know if LASIK surgery is right for you? Only an experienced ophthalmologist such as the laser eye surgeons of King LASIK share can tell you for sure if you are a good candidate, but here are five questions you can ask yourself to help determine whether you would benefit.

#1: Has My Vision Prescription Changed Lately?

Everyoneā€™s vision changes throughout their lives. Most visual changes occur before the mid- to late 20s and again during or after the 40s.

If you are below the age of 30 and are considering LASIK surgery, think about when the last time you got a new vision prescription from your optometrist was. If your visual prescription has changed within the past 12 months, you should hold off on pursuing LASIK surgery. You want to make sure that your vision has been stable for at least one year before undergoing LASIK surgery, or you might have to repeat the procedure once your vision does stabilize.

#2: How High Is My Vision Prescription?

If your vision prescription is extremely high, whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, you might not be an appropriate candidate for LASIK surgery. The results from the procedure tend to be less predictable for patients with high visual prescriptions. For this reason, your King LASIK ophthalmologist might recommend an alternative vision correction treatment, such as refractive lens exchange (RLE), if your vision prescription is too high.

#3: Do I Suffer From Other Eye Conditions Besides Poor Vision?

Do you suffer from chronic dry eye? Are you currently suffering from ā€œpink eyeā€ or another infection of the eye?

LASIK surgery can sometimes cause temporary or permanent dry eye. Thus, individuals who already suffer from severe dry eye syndrome may be better suited to another vision correction procedure instead of LASIK.

If you are suffering from a temporary eye condition, such as pink eye, you might be eligible to undergo LASIK surgery ā€” once your optic condition is resolved.

#4: Am I in Good Health Overall?

Certain uncontrolled autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or AIDS, hinder your bodyā€™s ability to heal. That is why individuals who suffer from these types of diseases (and others that impede your bodyā€™s healing response system) are generally not suitable LASIK candidates.

#5: Are My Pupils Extremely Large or My Corneas Very Thin?

Individuals with inherently large pupils have an increased risk of experiencing certain side effects from LASIK, including experiencing halos or glare while driving at night. That is why these patients might be better suited to a different vision correction treatment, such as implantable contact lens (ICL) treatment.

In addition, the cornea must be thick enough for the eye surgeon to create a hinged flap in it. (The surgeon uses this flap to access the underlying corneal tissue, which he or she re-contours in order to correct the refractive error causing the vision problem.) If you have been told that your corneas are extremely thin, you might not be an appropriate candidate for LASIK surgery.

Need an Outside Opinion?

You will be able to answer some of these questions on your own. For example, you will likely know if you have pink eye! However, you will most likely need outside assistance from a well-trained laser eye surgeon to find the answers to some of the other questions.

Thankfully, the expert team at King LASIK is here to help. To schedule a free consultation to find out whether you would benefit from LASIK surgery, please contact King LASIK by calling (877) 551-2020.