About King Lasik

Our Advanced lasik Technology
Almost all of our Portland and Seattle LASIK Eye Surgery Centers use all-laser, blade-free correction procedures that are customized to each patient’s visual needs.
Numerous variables are taken into account, including refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, overall health, lifestyle preferences, and profession.
By using sophisticated diagnostic devices before the surgery, the vast majority of our patients achieve 20/20 vision or better!
Our Experienced Team
They have years of experience with a wide range of eye conditions having performed over 250,000 procedures.
King LASIK doctors and medical staff will help identify the best procedure for your visual needs.



Procedures we Offer

Discover Your Path To Clear Vision
Learn the Benefits
Schedule your FREE Exam
Schedule your Procedure
A simple, safe and amazingly fast procedure.
LASIK Surgery Experience
LASIK Flap Creation
Enjoy your New FREEDOM
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